COLLINS LAMBERT, LLC is committed to safeguarding the confidential information that may be shared with us. Like other professionals who advise on personal and business financial matters, we are required by federal law to inform our clients of our policies regarding the privacy of client information. However, we would like to expressly state that we hold all personal information provided to our firm in the strictest confidence, regardless of whether the individual sharing that information with us is a client. This information may include personal information collected in connection with any of the specific services provided by COLLINS LAMBERT, LLC. It may also include similar information shared with us in exploratory discussions that we conduct with individuals looking to learn more about our firm and the services we provide. Our policy with respect to such non-public personal information is listed below.
During our discussions and/or engagements, you may share with us certain non-public personal information. This information may be pertaining to, but may not be limited to, your investments, estate and/or other legal documents, employee benefits, taxes, business information, as well as health and family information. We will hold any such information shared with us in the strictest confidence. This information is used only for our business purposes, and we do not sell any of this personal data.
In the normal course of business, we may disclose personal information to companies and individuals that help us service our clients, process transactions, and/or manage investment account(s), including, for example, companies that provide investment custodial services, or independent contractors that we may engage to handle a variety of tasks. Examples of the types of information provided include names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and detailed information about investments and investment experience. Any third party with which we may share such non-public personal information is held to the same standard of holding such information in confidence.
As part of the Integrated Wealth Management process, we may also discuss non-public personal information on an “as needed” basis with a client's other advisors, with whom such client has given us permission to do so.
We may disclose or report personal information in limited circumstances where we believe in good faith that disclosure is required or permitted under law, for example, to cooperate with SEC regulators or other law enforcement authorities.
Within our firm, we restrict access to such non-public personal information to only those employees and agents who require that information in the ordinary course of business. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect such non-public personal information. Every employee and agent exposed to such non-public personal information signs a strict confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement.
With respect to online privacy, we employ certain internet specific practices to maintain the security of your online sessions, including but not limited to firewall barriers, encryption and authentication procedures.
When visiting us online, COLLINS LAMBERT, LLC automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, information about which pages you visit on CollinsLambert.com, and information from CollinsLambert.com Cookies.
Cookies are small data files that write to your hard drive for record keeping purposes when you visit a website. Cookies allow CollinsLambert.com to measure traffic activity as well as to improve your user experience, for example by remembering your passwords and viewing preferences. Like other major websites, CollinsLambert.com uses Cookies to provide you with a tailored experience when visiting CollinsLambert.com and using our products and services. We treat any personal information that may be contained in Cookies with the same level of confidentiality as other information you may provide to us. If you wish to disable Cookie functionality, you may do so by changing the security settings on your browser. However, portions of CollinsLambert.com may not function or function as efficiently and/or effectively without them.
If you no longer wish to receive communications from COLLINS LAMBERT, LLC, you can opt-out from receiving such messages in the future by following the instructions in the message itself, or contacting us at info@collinslambert.com.
COLLINS LAMBERT, LLC will provide a copy of our Privacy Policy to clients annually and will maintain a current copy available online at www.collinslambert.com/privacy-policy.
We understand and appreciate the trust individuals and businesses place in us as wealth advisors. Clients rely on us to act in their best interest and to protect the confidentiality of non-public personal information. Our Privacy Policy reflects our desire to safeguard such information while providing the best possible services to our clients. Please contact us if you would like to discuss any aspect of our Privacy Policy.